The Significance and Uses of the Lavender Scent

The Significance of the Lavender Scent

The scent of the Mediterranean herb lavender was first discovered by the Romans, who added it to their bath water. During the Victorian era, women would revive themselves after fainting from tight corsets by smelling lavender-filled swooning pillows. Lavender was traditionally used to ease insomnia, depression and irritability. To this day, lavender is a favorite fragrance for clothing, soaps, perfume oils and even furniture polish.

The Uses of Lavender Fragrance

The sweet, floral and herbal scent of lavender is coveted for its alleged healing properties. It is most popularly used as an aromatherapy oil. It is said to relieve muscle pain, migraines and inflammation. As an antiseptic, essential lavender oil is used to treat various types of infections.


Lavender is suitable for every skin type, which makes it a wonder to use in cosmetics. It also may be a cell regenerator – studies are still in progress to confirm that theory. It is said to prevent scarring and stretch marks and can be used on sun damaged skin, rashes, infections and wounds. Lavender is used to treat indigestion and boosts immunity.

If you’re interested in using lavender aromatherapy massage oils, sunscreen, bath products or any other wonderful lavender products visit Uncommon Scents. We have an assortment of lavender products as well as other organic products and natural fiber clothing.

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3 Benefits of Perfume Oils


  1. They last longer – The aroma of perfume oils last longer than simple spray on perfume. Instead of wasting perfume by spraying constantly to keep the aroma around, dab on perfume oils to keep the scent around.
  2. Convenient – Most bottles of perfume oils are small enough to fit in your purse. So if you need to freshen up in the bathroom, you can just pull out a bottle and rub it on.
  3. Less obstructive – Spray perfumes can affect people with allergies. Using perfume oil allows you to add beautiful scents to your body without agitating anyone’s allergies.

Take nature’s essence and enhance the way you smell with

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3 Tips for Perfume Application


  1. Pulse Points: Your body’s pulse points are the areas where blood flows closest to the skin. These areas are generally warm, and warmth helps scents emanate, so applying perfume to these areas amplifies perfume’s effectiveness.
  2. Perfume before Clothes: Some perfumes have a bit of hue to them and can stain your garments. Be sure to apply perfume, and let it dry, before getting dressed for the day to avoid unwanted stains.
  3. Moist Application: Perfume works better if applied when wet. Put your perfume on right after your morning shower for the greatest effect.

Are you looking for your signature scent? Uncommon Scents offers beautifully fragrant perfumes, the perfect addition to any look.


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